Ξενοφών Μπήτσικας

Καθηγητής, Τμήμα Πλαστικών Τεχνών και Επιστημών της Τέχνης, Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων
Τηλ.:26510-05643, e-mail: xbitsika@uoi.gr
Διεύθυνση: Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων, Tμήμα Πλαστικών Tεχνών και Eπιστημών της Tέχνης, 45110  Iωάννινα
Αρχική σελίδα
Εθνικές και Διεθνείς Διακρίσεις
Διδακτικό έργο

Painting Studio I & II 8 (4+4) ECTS
Coordinator: Xenofon Bitsikas

Course development team
Xenofon Bitsikas (http://arts.uoi.gr/DEP_BITSIKAS/dep_bitsikas-_CV_english.htm )
Zikos Dedos (Assistant Professor)
Stefanos Tsiodoulos (Lecturer)

Course overview/description/synopsis
At the studio the student is been toughed about the meaning of art and the creative process. The courses attend the bases of the visual language. Students must elaborate art work regarding:
A) studies by natural, synthesis, and drawing as an expression strategy
B) Projects: exercises on suggested subjects (students work systematically on these projects, using all kind of media)

Course objectives
To provide practical and theoretical education in the fine arts. Knowledge of the visual language.
Development of technical skills

Drawing, color, composition, elements of drawing, structure, representation, mirror, narcissus

Course structure
- Teaching hours: 4 weekly
- Studio: exercises and projects. The students are present in the studio all week, evolving their personal work and elaborating the projects. (tutorial)
-Seminars and lectures

Suggested books
Rudolf Arnheim, Art and visual perception
Jean Baudrillard, de la seduction

Painting Studio VII (code: YET705), ECTS: 10 ,
Painting Studio VIII (code: YET805), ECTS: 12

Coordinator: Xenofon Bitsikas (http://arts.uoi.gr/DEP_BITSIKAS/dep_bitsikas-_CV_english.htm )

Course development team
Xenofon Bitsikas ( Assoc. Professor) painting
Christos Harissis (Assistant Professor) installations
Manos Katsaris (Assistant Professor) video art

Course overview/description:
The studio forms positions and opinions about art and focuses on a multifaceted comprehension of this complicated field. Through the development of specific projects the courses focus and experiment on issues of the contemporary art, with special regard on the creative process, the use of new media and the expressions strategies.

Course objectives/goals
To provide practical and theoretical education in the fine arts and contribute at the formation of a contemporary art practice and a personal style. Discourse, narration, technical skills, personal expression and styles.

Course structure
-Teaching hours: 6 weekly
- Studio: Weekly practice of the student on the projects (tutorial)
-Seminars and lectures.
- Visits at museums, galleries

Expected prior knowledge/prerequisites and preparation
• Drawing and research faculties
• painting courses of earlier courses of the Studies Program

• projects
• Exposition and presentation of the projects.

Suggested books
Stagos, N (2003). Concpets of the modern art. Athens: MIET
Danto Arthur C. (1981), Transfiguration of the Commonplace. Harvard University Press -Regarding the projects more bibliography is given, also fountains in the internet and in the University Library.
Daskalothanassis N., The artist as historical subject from 19th to 21th c. Athens, AGRA 2004